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Bill Pay

Most water districts in Orange County subsidize their rates with a property tax assessment. Serrano Water District has no assessments placed on your property tax bill. Your water bill represents the true cost of providing high quality water service.

Payment Options

EPay Payments 

Serrano Water District offers the convenience of paying online, free of charge, from your checking or money market account.

Pay here

Credit Card Payment 

For your convenience, you may now pay your water bill by credit card. There is a $5.25 convenience fee with a $500 cap per transaction and a $2,000 cap per consumer per 30 days.



For your convenience, you may sign up for paperless billing. View your balance, consumption or your statement at any time!


By Mail 

Mail your water bill payment stub along with your check in the courtesy reply envelope provided with your bill. If the envelope is missing, the payment address is:

Serrano Water District
18021 Lincoln Street
Villa Park, CA 92861

In Person 

Water bill payments may be made at the Serrano Water District at the above address. Office hours are 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Fridays.

For payments after hours or on weekends and holidays, a letter box is conveniently located next to the front door at Serrano Water District. Payments received in the letter box will be processed on the next business day.

ACH Payments 

For your convenience, we have an automatic payment plan. On a monthly basis, your total bill amount will be automatically withdrawn from your checking or savings account on the due date.

To apply for this service, either visit our office and fill out the appropriate information sheet or download the following form and mail it to us with a voided check or a savings account deposit ticket.

Mail the application form and a voided check or savings account deposit ticket to:

Serrano Water District
18021 E. Lincoln Street
Villa Park, CA 92861

Download Auto Pay Application

Please note, there is a $40 service charge for any returned form of payment.